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“She frequently goes down the rabbit hole and is not easily insulted by conversations that uproot the opinion of the norm.” - Sarah Stokes

What is 5D verses 3D?

5D Truth is tuning into God’s frequency; it’s the Secret Place of divine download!

Those who live in the Fifth Dimension of spirituality are discerners of truth. They’re not bogged down by self-righteous, egotistical motivation, but rather, their overwhelming desire is to love God and love people. Those who live in the realm of the Fifth Dimension are at peace with their unique self.

As human beings we are born to love, born to create, born to praise, born to worship, born to expect good, born to trust and born to live in truth. Then, comes the grim reaper of childlike faith who crushes our ability to think like, act like, talk like or be like our heavenly Father (we were made in the image of God) – in the way He originally intended. Sadly, as we grow and learn, many of us are slowly molded and shaped into the lower level of ourselves – sometimes even to the point of becoming cynical, bitter, or even hopeless.

Most of humanity functions as if normal within the confines of 3D living – not as a spiritual being who is having a natural experience, but rather, as a natural being who is void of frequent supernatural experiences.

Third Dimension souls may be able to get all “the things” done from day to day, but they lack the deeper truths of Kingdom living. They ignore the subtle nuances of life and avoid deep thought, critical thinking, meditation, or expectant prayer.

On the other hand, the Great Awakening of our day has birthed the Rising of the Remnant. The Remnant is made up of a diverse group of people. Some come from average, mainstream backgrounds while others may stand out as eccentric or free spirited in nature. But… it’s not their personality that makes them 5D spiritual beings, it’s their willingness to learn and grow!

God is raising up people from all walks of life whom He has called and chosen for such a time as this. These inquisitive souls aren’t satisfied with status quo. They don’t want more religion. They’re not looking for more church activity. And they certainly don’t desire the approval of man. Instead, they desperately seek more love, more truth, more understanding, more revelation, more miracles and, quite frankly, just more of God!

In the Secret Place of 5D Truth… wisdom, knowledge and understanding bring the heavens down to earth, cultivating supernatural experiences that can only be explained by the fact that there is a God… and HE IS FOR US!

Together, let’s explore…

  • Discernment
  • Shamar Prophecy
  • Gifts of Healing
  • Gift of Faith
  • The Bible
  • Historical Sacred Texts (including Apocrypha) 
  • Religious Divisions & Denominational Differences
  • Other Faiths
  • Culture
  • Politics
  • The Lies We’ve Been Told
  • The Truth that’s Been Hidden
  • How to Prepare for What’s Ahead
  • How to Keep Our Families Healthy and Safe During these Turbulent Times
  • How to Forgive
  • How to Live in Peace
  • How to Stay Positive
  • More…

Who is Real Deborah Ross?

Real Deborah Ross is a seasoned woman of faith who has spent a lifetime developing her God-given spiritual gifts. She is a discerner of nuances that shape the human psyche.

The life-changing messages of Deborah Ross are conceived from an observance of lessons learned, people watching, and researching beyond status quo for answers. Her revelation knowledge understood from the Holy Bible – as well as from a deep dive study of historical sacred text – is what makes her voice so impactful. No religious strongholds here!

Once you get to know, or work with, Deborah Ross, you’ll quickly notice that she sees, hears, thinks, and interprets in 5D spatial levels. As a retired dance choreographer with many accolades of distinction, she fully understands moving parts, patterns, and synchronization. Every fiber of her being is a melody of praise and a symphony of thought.

With an extensive background in teaching and public speaking, Deborah is masterful at expounding on spiritual concepts that are typically too magnificent to express in words. She has the uncanny ability to understand the bigger picture – the most important point – oftentimes by interpreting vague information or subliminal messaging.

Even so, her most unique attribute is that of humbly admitting that she must always remain a student of spiritual enlightenment which is why she has coined the phrase, “Voice of the Wondering Remnant.” Deborah Ross is the chief of wonderers. She loves to ask the “what if” questions. She’s not ashamed to ask “WHY?” Deborah Ross is unashamedly part of the remnant!

Why is all of this so important?

People everywhere are desperate for someone who “gets them:”

Someone who can speak deep truths to them in a way that makes sense; Someone who can explain answers to those tough questions;

Someone who would dare to have a conversation about taboo topics.

Real Deborah Ross is bridging the spiritual gap in generational, ethnic, denominational, cultural, and even religious circles. She believes in finding common ground rather than dividing differences. After-all, God said we are ALL made in His image and He, Himself, meets us right where we are in life.

Deborah’s discoveries of 5D Truth fan the flames of her ‘Electric Joy’ and ‘Contagious Faith’ – transferable to those who wish to embark on their own journey of 5D Revelation and Kingdom Living.

To the brave souls who are willing to question, explore, and ready themselves for victory, Real Deborah Ross embraces the voice of the wondering remnant.

Get ready to peer into Deborah’s World of 5 D Truth, 5D Faith, 5D Wisdom, 5D Mysteries, 5D Spiritual Awakening, 5D Kingdom Authority, 5D Precepts, 5D Understanding, 5D Living, 5D Victory, and more!

…Because God is multifaceted, and He desires to reveal His glory to those who seek Him with their whole heart!

Want to LEARN and GROW as, together, we uncover HIDDEN TRUTHS and EXPOSE LIES?

Join My Community NOW and Get Ready For…

  • Deep Dive Research
  • Conversations with Brilliant Minds
  • Unwavering Prayer & Meditation
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Escaping the Matrix - Every part of it!"

The Mission of REAL Deborah Ross:

In times of turmoil the spiritual, mental, and emotional stability of humanity can seem illusive.

Many feel uneasy about exploring their personal thoughts and feelings in a world held captive by dogma, fear, and status quo. Others are afraid to engage in sincere conversations that may challenge belief systems.

The elephant in the room has been avoided far too long!

My mission is to seek and share deep dive truths that dismantle the invisible boundaries set by society. To the brave souls who are willing to question, explore, and ready themselves for victory, Real Deborah Ross embraces the voice of the wondering remnant.

Unveiling 5D truth in a 3D world!

In Deborah’s World the 5 D’s of Truth are:

  1. Deep Dive Research
  2. Discerning Disinformation
  3. Denying Dogma
  4. Destroying Lies
  5. Declaring Truth


  1. Healing a Broken Marriage
  2. Woman2Woman: The Naomi and Ruth Experience


Contact for More Information

REAL Deborah Ross

Speaker, Author, Media Personality, Christian Patriot, Bible Teacher & Conversationalist of Truth

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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